Oatmeal 3 Ways

Yes, I’m the type of person who eats oatmeal most mornings, and I love it for several reasons. Its cozy, it’s satisfying, and it’s delicious. However, eating the same old bowl of oats everyday can get pretty boring and redundant, but creating variety through toppings and mix-ins can keep breakfast exciting. Here’s three new bowls to try!
Incorporate Chia Seeds
Sprinkling in chia seeds is a great way to incorporate healthy fats, protein, and extra fiber into your morning routine. According to Harvard University, they are actually the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have many cardiovascular benefits.
Here’s the catch: the tiny, energizing seeds absorb liquid, and a lot of it. In fact, they can soak in up to 27 times their weight in water! That’s great news for chia seed pudding, but you’ll need to add a little extra liquid when adding chia to your oats.
How to do it: simply stir in chia seeds and water (or any milk of choice) at a 1:4 ratio toward the end of the cooking time. That means for every tablespoon of chia you mix in, you’ll need 1/4 cup liquid (which is a good amount for 1 serving). Then, top with all your favorite add-ins per usual! Some of my favorites include: cinnamon, fresh fruit, dried fruit, almonds, and charoses (which is described in detail below).
Top With Charoses
Charoses is a staple on the Passover seder plate, and it is something I look forward to every year. Even after the Jewish holiday is over, my family continues to eat charoses for months. It has only a few simple ingredients… apples and crushed almonds stirred together with grape juice, cinnamon, and a pinch of sugar.
The delicious combination is traditionally enjoyed on top of matza (unleavened flatbread) during Passover, but it is great for snacking all year round. You can enjoy it by itself, inside a tortilla, or, best of all, in a warm bowl of oats! Ever since, I discovered how amazing charoses is in oatmeal, I have been making large batches each week, and I haven’t gotten tired of it!
Check out the charoses recipe below, stir some (or lots) into your oats, and consider adding Greek yogurt, raisins, and pumpkin seeds to make a balanced breakfast!
Ingredients Directions Peel and dice apple into small cubes. Mix the apple, almonds, sugar and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Pour a tiny amount of grape juice on top to moisten the mixture. Stir then store in the refrigerator. Peel and dice apple into small cubes. Mix the apple, almonds, sugar and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Pour a tiny amount of grape juice on top to moisten the mixture. Stir then store in the refrigerator.Ingredients
Add Greek Yogurt
Adding Greek yogurt is another way to boost the nutrition of your oats. With more protein and less added sugar than regular yogurt, it is a healthful way to add flavor and tang to your oatmeal. Not to mention, it is a strong source of calcium and vitamin D, as with other dairy products.
I personally mix in a spoonful of plain and a spoonful of vanilla Greek yogurt to my oats, but feel free to experiment with different flavors and amounts! The more yogurt you put in, the more creamy your oats will be. Then, start topping with whatever you would like! I like adding peaches and berries, which contribute a bit of fruity sweetness to complement a vanilla tinted tang.
Oh sooo yummy!!! My absolute favorite too😋 Your photos look extremely delicious and enticing!