French Toast Scramble (with Apples, Peanut Butter, and Banana)

French Toast Scramble (with Apples, Peanut Butter, and Banana)

A little story about this French toast… I woke up Monday morning feeling revitalized after a rough weekend.  I had come down with a bug on Saturday, and it forced me to miss my team’s competition.  I watched what turned out to be the last meet of the season, since we lost, from my hotel room.  On top of that, we had a 12-hour travel day on Sunday!

Nevertheless, I was grateful to have made it home safely, and I was feeling way better come Monday.  But, there was one problem.  I woke up at 9:00am, needed to be in class at 9:35am, and had a HUGE French toast craving.



Let’s just say I weighed the (minor) consequences of being late with the delight of an energizing breakfast.  I decided I deserved the French toast.  So, I got in the kitchen and made this delicious meal, then took my time savoring every last bite.  

I speed walked to class and got there 14 minutes late. 15 minutes late and you’re marked absent!  Totally worth it though.

Anyway, I am always looking for creative ways to serve French toast, and this is one of my favorites.  Breaking it up on the stove top and serving it mixed with a bunch of toppings makes it so easy to get every flavor in every bite.  I highly suggest trying it!


AuthorLeah ClapperCategory, DifficultyBeginner

Yields2 Servings
Prep Time2 minsCook Time10 minsTotal Time12 mins


 3 large eggs
 2 tsp vanilla extract
 ¼ tsp cinnamon, plus extra for sprinkling
 4 slices of bread
 1 apple, sliced
 1 banana, sliced
 peanut butter



Lightly beat eggs, vanilla, and 1/4 tsp cinnamon in a shallow bowl. Dip in slices of bread, covering both sides.


Transfer bread and apple slices onto a skillet lightly coated with coconut oil or butter. Cook both sides, sprinkling cinnamon on everything before and after flipping.


Once French toast is golden and apples are tender, remove from the heat. Cut French toast into small squares (or use a spatula to slice it while still on the skillet).


Serve French toast and apples together. Top with banana slices, a drizzle of warm peanut butter, and berries.


 3 large eggs
 2 tsp vanilla extract
 ¼ tsp cinnamon, plus extra for sprinkling
 4 slices of bread
 1 apple, sliced
 1 banana, sliced
 peanut butter



Lightly beat eggs, vanilla, and 1/4 tsp cinnamon in a shallow bowl. Dip in slices of bread, covering both sides.


Transfer bread and apple slices onto a skillet lightly coated with coconut oil or butter. Cook both sides, sprinkling cinnamon on everything before and after flipping.


Once French toast is golden and apples are tender, remove from the heat. Cut French toast into small squares (or use a spatula to slice it while still on the skillet).


Serve French toast and apples together. Top with banana slices, a drizzle of warm peanut butter, and berries.

French Toast Scramble

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